It is generally accepted that the blue color reflects the importance and trust. Therefore, it is the favorite color to the business world. Are more likely to be seen intelligent, stable and conservative - people who have blue on them - whether on clothing or part of his personality. This brings us to our hypothesis that the blue hair extensions to your natural hair can also enhance your personality. We first summarize the effects of this process to the professional woman in a business or a slightly conservative environment and then move over to the lady of the hip, whose knowledge is different.
Blue hair extensions, which would fit the Executive Committee would be essentially a darker shade. Can dark blue highlights in your hair you look amazingly attractive in the usual way. But you would not stand by each to insert the hair of such unconventional tone. Only a few other colors you make such a duality.
Blue hair extensions, which would fit the Executive Committee would be essentially a darker shade. Can dark blue highlights in your hair you look amazingly attractive in the usual way. But you would not stand by each to insert the hair of such unconventional tone. Only a few other colors you make such a duality.
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